All requests for special activities (events) on North Redington Beach shall be requested by the upland property owner in writing prior to the event.

Special beach activities are defined as activities that require chairs, tables, decorations or any event that would impact the beach area with people, equipment or noise.

The upland property owner will be responsible for the coordination of these events including setup, controlling, security and cleanup.

All requests shall be received at the Town Hall at least 90 days before the event. If these requests are for activities that are defined or described as above, they can be granted administratively by the Mayor if the event does not exceed 100 people and/or 2 hours in duration. Events that exceed 100 people and/or 2 hours in duration will be reviewed by the Beach Advisory Board, who may require the sponsor to provide insurance naming the Town of North Redington Beach as additional-insured, and their recommendations will be passed to the Board of Commissioners for approval.

Any upland property owner that does not follow these guidelines will be required to submit all requests in writing through the Beach Advisory Board for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners.

All requests will be reviewed for impact on the beach physically and environmentally, as well as any impact on the peace and security of the beach area, neighbors, guests and businesses.

Copyright ©2003-2025 Town of North Redington Beach, Florida
Professional Photography by John Winecoff
Website Hoster by Digital Eel Inc.